Thursday, March 12, 2015

Clinton Popular With Dems - Situation Not Clear With GOP

These numbers are from a NBC News / Wall Street Journal Poll taken between March 1st and 5th. For these charts they questioned 262 Democrats (with a margin of error of 6.05 points) and 229 Republicans (with a margin of error of 6.48 points).

I found this survey interesting because it didn't ask who the respondents supported for the presidential nomination in 2016. Instead, it asked whether they could or could not bring themselves to support the individual candidates. Democrats were only queried about Democratic hopefuls, and Republicans were only queried about Republican hopefuls.

Democrats are pretty satisfied with the idea of Hillary Clinton as their nominee. Around 86% say they could happily support Clinton as their nominee -- far more than say that about any other possible Democratic candidate. All other candidates (in either party) can only dream about having the level of support that Clinton enjoys among Democrats.

Things are not so clear on the Republican side. No candidate can claim more that 56% of GOP voters saying they could possibly support them, while at least 8 of the candidates (including Bush, Huckabee, Paul, and Christie) show at least 40% of the GOP base saying they could not support them. At this early stage, that doesn't mean any of those candidates couldn't win -- only that they will have a much harder getting the GOP nomination.

1 comment:

  1. GOP---The group that was going to teach us a lesson on NOT electing a black man ever again.
    Will proceed with teaching us never to elect a women ever again!!!
    Which is why I am voting for any woman going for piss off the rePUKEians!!!


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