Saturday, April 04, 2015

Researchers Expose The Lies Of The NRA

The National Rifle Association (NRA) has been able to block any kind of reasonable gun legislation in this country. They have done it wit propaganda and outright lies (and by buying off enough members of Congress to block legislation).

The NRA wants Americans to believe that the more guns that are on the streets the safer our streets will be, and that having a gun in the home makes those living in that home safer. Neither of those two things is true. And neither are the myriad other lies being put forth by the NRA.

The charts above (from Mother Jones) expose those NRA lies. Those charts were made from a survey done by a Harvard University research group. The survey was not done of the general public, but of more than 100 researchers who have done studies on guns and their availability in this country, and the results of that availability. These researchers aren't giving their opinion, but what the results of their research has shown.

More than 30,000 people die a death from guns in this country every year -- and the sad fact is that many of those deaths could be prevented. And they could be prevented without violating the Constitution's Second Amendment. A good start would be to close the loopholes in the background check law. There is no reason for anyone to be able to buy a gun without first clearing a background check -- even at gun shows, on the internet, and in a private sale by an individual.

The NRA, once a proud organization representing honest and decent gun owners, has become nothing more than a mouthpiece and lobbyist for the gun manufacturers. They don't care about American lives, as long as they can increase gun sales for their masters. It is time to stop believing their outrageous lies -- and to pass some legislation to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the dangerously mentally ill.

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