Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Over 9 Out Of 10 Democrats Say Clinton Will Be Nominee

There are now five candidates in the Democratic race for the party's nomination (Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Lincoln Chafee, Mark O'Malley, and Jim Webb) -- and some say Joe Biden is still considering becoming a candidate. Chafee, O'Malley, and Webb have been struggling to find any support at all, while Sanders seems to be doing fairly well among the party's most liberal members.

But most Democrats (93%) remain convinced that when the convention arrives next summer, Hillary Clinton will be their party's nominee. I believe it will stay that way, unless and until, one of the other candidates can convince Democrats they can beat the GOP's nominee -- and so far, none of them has been able to do that.

This chart was made from a new Rasmussen Poll -- done on July 2nd and 5th of a random national sample of 1,000 likely Democratic voters, and has a 3 point margin of error.


  1. I tend to think the only way Clinton doesn't get the nomination is if there is some major scandal -- like it turns out she did kill Vince Foster. And if that happens, I suspect that Sanders still doesn't win. I suspect at that point Biden would jump in the race and clean up. Otherwise, I don't really see him doing it.

  2. Replies
    1. Feeling much better. I think I might just live!

  3. i think that bernie would be the best choice for the common working man, but adding the term socialist to democratic is no way to draw the moderates over to the democratic side of the aisle. i wish he was more electable, it would be nice if he was able to fool us all and not only stay in the race, but win the whole thing. i just don't thin that that S-word (socialist) is going to allow that scenario to play out even if he could win the democratic primaries.


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