Thursday, August 20, 2015

Clinton Still Has Large Lead In New National Poll

There is a new CNN / ORC Poll on the Democratic presidential race. It was done between August 13th and 16th of a random national sample of 400 Democrats, and has a 5 point margin of error.

CNN tries to make a big issue of the fact that this is the first poll that shows Hillary Clinton with less than 50% support. I think the more important point is that she still has a 21 point lead over her nearest opponent, Bernie Sanders (48% to 27%). That's still a huge lead.

The poll also matched Clinton with some popular Republicans (see the chart below). She still easily tops all of them -- with margins ranging between 8 and 15 points.

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating! So the Republicans' big "gender neutralizer" loses the worst against Clinton?! I love that! It's also interesting that Clinton is above 50% in all these matchups. That has to concern the Republican establishment. Also: Trump does better than Jeb?! Amazing. Maybe the Republican establishment needs to stop making the "electable" argument.


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