Thursday, September 24, 2015

New Survey Shows Hillary Clinton With A Big Lead In Iowa

Polls about Iowa have been all over the place lately. A recent Quinnipiac University Poll showed Sanders with a 1 point lead (meaning the race is tied in Iowa), while other polls show Clinton with a lead ranging from 7 points to 34 points.

Now we have a new poll. It is the Public Policy Polling survey -- done between September 18th and 20th of a random sample of 494 Iowa Democratic voters, with a margin of error of 4.4 points.

This survey shows Clinton with a 21 point lead over Sanders in Iowa (43% to 22%) -- and that's with Joe Biden in the race (which he isn't). If you take Biden out, things get even better for Clinton. She would get 43% of the Biden voters, while Sanders would get 15% (and O'Malley would get 8%, Webb would get 2%, and Lessig would get 1%).

The debates could always change this, but for now, it looks to me like Iowa is pretty solidly in the Clinton column.

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