Sunday, September 06, 2015

The God Paradox


  1. Yes, but existence itself is a paradox. There are logical paradoxes. It's pretty clear that the nature of the universe (multiverse, whatever) is paradoxical relative to our conception of reality. When I was an undergraduate, I spent a lot of time fretting over relativity theory because unlike classical mechanics, it wasn't intuitive -- it didn't make sense. It took me forever to understand that relativity theory wasn't intuitive because it involved experiences that I have never had. Same thing with existence.

    I'm still an atheist, but the fact that God would be a paradox really doesn't mean much. I believe that all people who study theology seriously would admit that.

  2. I heard that all paradox exist only in language, as language lacks the words to describe a paradox properly.
    This is true for gawd (if real) as it would be a paradox. But so what? The book o'BS all say xyz about some gawd or other and how it does stuff UNTIL you test for the stuff being done and gawd vanishes so acting like you are not real makes you not real.


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