Friday, October 23, 2015

New Poll Shows Clinton Got A Nice "Bump" From The Debate

The good news just keeps coming for Hillary Clinton. Yesterday, she learned that Joe Biden will not be entering the race for the Democratic nomination. Now a new poll shows she received a 12 point bump after her debate performance (while her opponents did not, including Bernie Sanders).

The bump was especially good with registered Democrats (18 points), White Democrats (18 points), those age 50 or older (18 points), and women Democrats (19 points). This is good because women vote in larger numbers than men, and older people vote in larger numbers than younger people. Clinton already had a huge lead among Blacks and Hispanics.

The poll was taken before Biden announced he would not be a candidate, so the numbers for Clinton are probably even better than these charts show.

These charts were made from the results of an ABC News / Washington Post Poll done between October 15th and 18th of a random national sample of 352 Democratic and Democratic-leaning registered voters, with a margin of error of 6 points.

1 comment:

  1. I hope this is the last poll I ever see with Biden in it!


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