Tuesday, March 21, 2017

After 60 Days Trump Is Still The Prez With Lowest Approval

The chart above (from Gallup Poll daily tracking) shows the job approval numbers for Donald Trump after 60 days in office. His numbers are growing worse -- not better. Currently only 37% of the public approves of the job he is doing, while 58% disapprove.

Trump remains the least approved president after 60 days of the last seven presidents. He's not only the only one of that seven to have a job approval below 50% -- but is also the only one to have a net negative job disapproval.

I am still convinced that this is an administration that's in trouble. And things didn't get any better for Trump yesterday. Appearing before Congress, FBI Director Comey said he had no evidence that Trump Tower was wiretapped (as Trump continues to claim), and worse, that the FBI is conducting an official investigation into ties between the Trump campaign and Russian officials.

How low can Trump's job approval numbers go?

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