Friday, October 20, 2017

Trump Is Losing Support Even In Bright Red Texas

Donald Trump won easily in Texas last November (52% to 43%) -- about a 9 point margin. That was no surprise. While Texas is changing demographically, it is still a bright red state controlled by Republicans (and probably will be for at least another decade).

But that doesn't mean Texas loves the way Trump is doing his job these days. A new state poll shows that Trump is actually upside-down in job approval among Texans (with 45% approving and 49% disapproving).

Texans also view Trump as a divider (63%) instead of a uniter (9%). He also has a higher negative than positive in six qualities of being a president -- 20 points in temperament, 15 points in honesty, 3 points competence, 11 points in caring about people, 2 points in leadership, and 5 points in knowledge.

The charts below are from a new University of Texas / Texas Tribune Poll -- done between October 5th and 17th of a random state sample of 1,200 Texas residents, with a margin of error of 3.59.


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