Wednesday, December 20, 2017

The Shameful Effort By Republicans To Cover For Trump

The latest movement among congressional Republicans has been to attack the integrity of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller (pictured) -- and therefore, his investigation into Donald Trump and his dealings with Russia and other possible criminal behavior.

The propaganda arm of the Republican Party, Fox News, has accused Mueller of leading a partisan effort to undermine the presidential administration of Trump. They have even gone further by calling the FBI a corrupt organization. They say it amounts to a coup against the U.S. government. And taking their cue from Fox, a growing number of congressional Republicans have joined in the demonization of Mueller, his investigators, and the FBI.

It is time for some truth. Mueller is not part of a partisan plot. He is a Republican, and he was appointed to do his investigation by a Republican. But regardless of his party affiliation, Mueller has a reputation of putting his job first, above party politics. And his regard for seeking the truth is impeccable. When he was appointed, members of both parties echoed that.

Why have Fox News and congressional Republicans now turned on Mueller, and spend their time demonizing him? The answer is obvious. They are afraid. They have seen indictments and convictions of men close to Trump, and the investigation is surely going to produce more of those. The investigation has now gotten into the White House, and moves closer to Trump every day.

They keep claiming Trump is innocent of collusion or criminal conduct, but their behavior indicates otherwise. If they truly believed in Trump's innocence, they wouldn't be attacking mueller and the investigation. They would be cheering it on. They know Trump is guilty, and that's why they are demonizing one of their own -- Robert Mueller.

Their aims are two-fold. First, to provide cover for Donald Trump if he tries to fire Mueller to stop the investigation. Second, to provide cover for themselves when they refuse to impeach Trump after the investigation reveals his nefarious and criminal conduct.

This is a shameful effort to cover for a corrupt president, and to cover for their own malfeasance. There is no honor or respect for ethics and decency left in the modern Republican Party.


Trump's (and Republican's) effort to denigrate the FBI is not working the chart at the bottom shows the public has a much more positive view of the FBI than Trump (or the Republican Party). It is from the new NBC News / Wall Street Journal Poll -- done between December 13th and 15th of a random national sample of 900 adults, with a 3.27 point margin of error.

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