Tuesday, February 06, 2018

GOP Immigration Policy Is Driven By The "Politics Of Fear"

(This cartoon image was found at World Citizen.)

One of the biggest debates in this country right now, and in Congress, is what to do about immigration (both documented and undocumented). It's an important issue, and should be approached in a fair and reasonable manner. Unfortunately though, the Republicans hold the power in Washington, and they are using a "politics of fear" to get the changes they want.

This "politics of fear" is being spread by lies. There are two major lies being spread by Republicans, and Trump -- who used these lies as the basis for his presidential campaign.

The first lie is that immigrants (both documented and undocumented) are taking jobs away from U.S. citizens. It's just not true. Most immigrants are just grateful to be in this country -- and they are willing to take (and work hard at) the dirty, dangerous, and low-wage jobs that American citizens don't want. They do this because they want their children and grandchildren (citizens) to have more opportunity than they have. That is the way immigration has always worked in the U.S., and still does.

The crazy part is that the Republicans want to replace family-based and lottery immigration (both of which are thoroughly vetted) with a merit-based system (which would give preference to immigrants with education and skills). These "merit-based" immigrants wouldn't be coming to take the dirty, dangerous, and low-wage jobs. They would be competing directly with U.S. citizens for the good well-paying jobs that Americans do want. In other words, the GOP's plan would make the "taking American jobs" lie a reality!

The second lie is that immigrants pose a danger to U.S. citizens. The truth is that most immigrants are decent and law-abiding people. This is especially true of the undocumented immigrants. They know they will be deported for any law violation -- and the rate of criminality among them is far lower than among the U.S. population of citizens. These immigrants are really no different than citizens. They just want political and religious freedom, and the ability to support their families and provide opportunity to their children.

So, why are the Republicans pushing these easily disprovable lies, and practicing the odious "politics of fear"? Part of the reason is that they have a large segment of their base that is bigoted, and don't want to give up their white privilege. But the major reason is demographic change.

This country is becoming less White and more Nonwhite, and it is predicted that by the middle of this century, Nonwhites will be in the majority. Texas is a prime example (a state the Republicans must have to win the White House). Texas already has a majority of minorities in their school system, and in a few years that will translate into a majority of minorities in the state as a whole. And Texas is not the only state facing this demographic change.

The Republicans know this will be disastrous for their party -- considering the anti-minority stances the party has long held. The reasonable answer to this problem would be to adopt more minority-friendly policies, but the party's base will not allow that. So the GOP is taking a different tack. They want to close our borders and adopt policies that will favor White immigrants. It won't work though -- for a couple of reasons.

1. The fastest-growing portion of the U.S. population is Hispanics. Closing the borders (and building a silly wall) will not reverse that, because most of the increase in Hispanic population comes from those born in this country -- not those immigrating (documented or undocumented).

2. Asians have now surpassed Hispanics as the largest portion of immigrants entering the country. No wall is going to stop them, since they don't enter across our Southern border (whether documented or undocumented).

This demographic change is coming, and the GOP's pathetic use of the "politics of fear" is not going to stop it. The change will happen even if the GOP is successful in changing our immigration policy. It would be better for the country (and for their party in the long run) if they would actually work with Democrats to pass a fair and reasonable immigration policy that works. I don't see that happening though. They are too invested in their policy of "Whites first".

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