Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Mueller Investigation Nabs Two More Of Trump's "Witches"

 Donald Trump has repeatedly labeled the investigation be conducted by Robert Mueller as a "witch hunt". Well, it seems that Mueller has found a growing number of those witches.

The two latest are Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort.

Cohen (Trump's "fixer") pled guilty to 8 counts of tax evasion, bank fraud, and campaign finance violations. These are serious crimes, and there is a feeling that Cohen has flipped on Trump, and is ready to cooperate with the Mueller investigation to spill the beans on Trump's nefarious activities.

Manafort (Trump's former campaign director) was found guilty by a jury of 5 counts of tax fraud, 1 count of failing to file notice of foreign financial accounts, and 2 counts of bank fraud. Again, serious counts that could result in many years in prison for Manafort. Will he also flip, or is he counting on a pardon from Trump?

The Manafort verdict has Trump over a barrel. If he pardons Manafort, that will anger many voters because it will look like another attempt to obstruct justice. If he doesn't, Manafort could testify against Trump.

And this is not the end of the investigation. As the investigation moves ever closer to Trump, at least two members of his family are in jeopardy. Donald Trump, Jr. could easily be charged with conspiring with a foreign power to get a campaign donation in 2016, and for Lying to Congress and to the FBI. Jared Kushner could be charged with the same conspiracy charge, and also with repeated failure to disclose contacts with foreign sources. And those might not be the only charges these two could face.

Trump has to be jumping out of his skin right now, as the investigation moves closer to him and his family. We can expect him to blow up the twitter wire in the next few days to try and obscure his own culpability.

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