Monday, September 03, 2018

43% Of American Workers Think They Are Underpaid

The chart above reflects the results of a recent Gallup Poll -- done between August 1st and 12th of a national sample of 533 adults, with a 5 point margin of error.

Note that 43% say they are underpaid for the work they do. They are right. While unemployment is fairly low right now, that has not resulted in an increase in worker wages -- and neither has the tax reform that Republicans promised would result in an average $4000 raise in worker pay.

The truth is that most of the jobs being created in our current economy are low-wage and low-benefit jobs. And within less than 5 years, about 25% of all American workers will be making at or near the minimum wage -- currently set at $7.25 an hour (far from a livable wage).

We already have half of all families making an income that is within 150% of the poverty level. This level of pay won't let them save for the future or build up wealth. Instead, it keeps them just a paycheck or two away from dropping into poverty.

The rich have recovered well from the Bush recession, but most American workers have not. In fact, when inflation is figured in, they are actually making less than they were before the recession (in buying power).

The Republicans are currently controlling our government, and they have made it clear they don't care about workers. They give tax cuts to the rich, but refuse to raise the minimum wage or strengthen unions. Their economic policy is slanted to favor the rich at the expense of workers. That won't change until they are voted out of power.

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