Monday, September 03, 2018

A Majority Of Americans Support Labor Unions

These charts reflect the results of a recent Gallup Poll. The survey was done between August 1st and 12th of a national sample of 1,024 adults, and it has a 4 point margin of error.

The poll shows that a significant majority of Americans (62%) approves of labor unions, while only 30% disapprove. That's a healthy 32 point margin in favor of labor unions. And that's the opinion of nearly every group -- both genders, all age groups, all education levels, and all regions of the country. Only one group does not have a majority approving of labor unions -- Republicans. Republicans are split, with 45% approving and 47% disapproving.

With such support among the public for labor unions, one would expect the government making policies to strengthen those unions and make it easier for workers to join a union (or create one). Unfortunately, the opposite is true. Republicans have always favored the rich and opposed labor unions -- and their policies have weakened unions and made it harder for workers to join or create a union. And it will be that way as long as the Republicans control our government.

The people know this. That's why, as the chart below shows, a majority (51%) expects union power to grow weaker while only 19% expects it to grow stronger.

We could change that. We could vote the Republicans out of power, and then demand that Democrats restore laws that helped workers and labor unions. That would benefit every worker in this country -- even those who are not in a union.

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