Saturday, September 29, 2018

Kavanaugh Lied Under Oath About His H.S. Drinking

(Cartoon image is by Darrin Bell at

Brett Kavanaugh testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday. He cried, he raged, and he did his best to pose as the victim. He also, in an attempt to paint a picture of himself as always abiding by the law, claimed several times that it was legal for him to drink beer while a senior in high school. He stated that several times in his sworn testimony before the committee.

There's only one problem with that. It is NOT TRUE. He lied.

He had said it was legal for 18 year-olds to drink in Maryland (where he went to high school). But Maryland had raised the drinking age to 21 on July 1, 1982 -- nearly 7 months before Kavanaugh turned 18 on February 12, 1983. It was never legal for Kavanaugh to drink beer (or any other alcoholic drink) before he turned 21.

Kavanaugh knew that. He just thought he could slip that lie by Congress while posing as a good person who never broke the law. But it brings up a question -- since he lied about drinking legally, what else is he lying about? Everything? It's a valid question.

I'm sure some will claim it's a small mistake, and he just didn't remember. I'm not buying it. Think about your own youth. Many of us drank before the legal age at times while a teenager. And we knew it was not legal. We also remember it as being illegal now that we are adults. So does Kavanaugh. He just stupidly didn't think anyone would check on it.

His confirmation vote has been put off for a week while the FBI investigates. I hope they find proof of more of his lies. He should never sit on the United States Supreme Court. If for no other reason, because he lied under oath to a Senate committee -- and it was witnessed by people on nationwide TV.

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