Thursday, September 20, 2018

This Respected Poll Has O'Rourke Leading Cruz In Texas

This chart shows the results of a new Reuters / Ipsos / University of Virginia Center for Politics Poll -- done between September 5th and 17th of a sample of 992 Texas voters, with a 4 point margin of error.

Yesterday, I brought you a Quinnipiac University Poll that showed Ted Cruz with a 9 point lead over Beto O'Rourke in the race for senate in Texas. Today, we have the release of the Reuters/Ipsos/UVA Poll which shows O'Rourke with a 2 point lead over Cruz.

Which poll is right? Both are respected polls, but the samples they queried were obviously different. We can't know how this race stands right now. But the one thing we do know is that Ted Cruz has a real race on his hands -- something that would have been unthinkable just a few months ago. This is a race that either candidate could win, and probably will come down to which candidate (party) does the best job of getting their voters to the polls.

This race has gotten really exciting, and there's still a month and a half to go.


  1. what i worry about in all these tight races that are occurring is that the russians will target them & do all they can to make sure the republican wins

    1. They are trying! Only a very large turnout by decent American voters can defeat their nefarious efforts.


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