Thursday, October 25, 2018

Public Says Trump Has Not Been Tough Enough On Saudi's

Despite their denial, the American public knows that the government of Saudi Arabia (specifically Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman) ordered the murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Everyone but Donald Trump. Trump seems to be bending over backward to cover for the Saudi's so he won't have to punish them in any significant way.

What does the public think about Trump's action (really lack of action)? They are not happy! A
majority (53%) says Trump has not been tough enough on Saudi Arabia. Only 34% say his actions have been about right, while 5% say he's been too tough. And that seems to be the opinion of all demographic groups -- except Republicans.

The chart above reflects the results of the Axios / SurveyMonkey Poll -- done between October 17th and 23rd of a national sample of 3,919 adults, with a margin of error of 2.5 points.

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