Sunday, November 25, 2018

Trump's Support Is Dropping Among Active-Duty Military

Normally, members of the active-duty U.S. Military are very supportive of the President of the United States -- and that is especially true for Republican presidents. But Trump is different, and his support is actually dropping among members of the military.

In 2016, about 46.1% of the military approved of Trump while only 37% disapproved -- a positive difference of 9.1 points. Currently, that has dropped to 43.8% approval to 43.1% disapproval -- a positive gap of less than 1 point.

While only 43.8% approve of Trump, another member of his administration gets much higher ratings. Former General Jim Mattis has a whopping approval rating of 80%.

The charts above are from a new Military Times Poll -- done between September 20th and October 2nd of a sample of 829 active-duty military, and has a 2 point margin of error.

1 comment:

  1. It still sort of amazes me that, with the media being all-Trump, all the time, there's still such a relatively high percentage of neutral, don't know, or "neither favorable nor unfavorable" people out there. In any demographic.


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