Tuesday, December 11, 2018

At Least 14 Trump Associates Met With The Russians

We now know that at least 14 Trump associates met with Russians during the 2016 campaign -- three family members, two business associates, and nine members of the Trump campaign. That's a lot, and it makes it more likely that collusion with the Russians to affect the 2016 election outcome did happen -- and it probably was at the direction of "Individual-1" (Donald Trump).

Is it really believable anymore that Trump had no knowledge of any of these 14 associates meeting with Russians? Of course not! We know that Trump is a micro-manager. Nothing happened in his businesses without his knowledge and direction, and he undoubtably carried that same micro-managing over to his campaign. This would be especially true of family members (Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Ivanka Trump), his campaign manager, (Paul Manafort) and his personal attorney (Michael Cohen).

Trump is still claiming there was no collusion, and that collusion was not a crime. The first is obviously false, and the second is merely a word game. Collusion is not a legal term. It's called conspiracy in the law, and it certainly is against the law.

It looks like "Individual-1" is in a lot of trouble!

The chart above is from The Washington Post.

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