Thursday, December 13, 2018

Congressional Dems Discuss Climate Change - GOP Doesn't

I found this interesting. The website Quorum tracked how many times between 2013 and 2018 the congressional members of each party discussed global climate change (global warming). The result was not even close. While Democrats talked about climate change thousands of times each of those years, the Republicans only marked a few hundred times.

It's easy to understand why the Democrats are willing to talk about climate change. They believe the scientists. They know it is a serious problem caused by human activity, and needs action to protect this country and the planet.

The real question is -- why are Republicans so reluctant to discuss climate change? I think it's because they care more for corporations than for people. They want to protect corporations from having to spend money to clean up their polluting ways. But they know the truth, and they know the U.S. public knows the truth.

Most Americans believe global climate change happens, and is caused by human activity. If the Republicans try to deny it (which they do in the few times they will talk about it), then they run the risk of alienating most voters.

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