Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Trump's Followers Are Members Of A Terrifying Cult

(Cartoon image is by Nikola Listes at cagle.com.)

Cult members are people who have abandoned rational thinking. For them, only their cult's leader speaks the truth. Everyone else is lying. That's what their leader tells them, and they believe it.

Doesn't this sound familiar? Isn't that a valid description of the people who follow Donald Trump? Haven't they abandoned rational political thought to buy into the lies of their leader? And finally, doesn't that make them members of a new cult -- the cult of Trump? I think so.

The inimitable John Pavlovitz (pictured) also thinks so. Here is some of what he had to say about this in his own excellent blog:



1 comment:

  1. Excellent WRITING..and thought process..needs to be read by All


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