Thursday, July 25, 2019

July Is Predicted To Be The Hottest Month Ever Recorded

(This cartoon image is from The Way I See It.)

Donald Trump is still denying that global warming is happening. I don't know if he's still claiming it is a Chinese hoax, but his actions (pulling U.S. out of Paris Accord and deregulating corporations and power plants) show he doesn't care about it.

But the Earth and its climate don't care what Trump thinks. The planet continues to get warmer -- approaching the point beyond which actions to stop the warming won't matter.

Global Warming (Global Climate Change) is just one more reason why we must get the Orange Idiot out of our White House.

If you have any doubts, consider this article from Denise Chow at NBC News. Climate Scientists are predicting that this current month (July of 2019) will be the hottest month that's ever been recorded (surpassing the previous record set in July of 2017).

July is on track to become the hottest month in recorded history, climate scientists say, after heat waves blanketed North America and the Arctic saw warmer than usual temperatures. It’s the latest sign that the planet’s overall climate is warming, and that human activities are causing extreme events such as heat waves to become more likely and more intense, the scientists say.
Even with more than a week left until the end of the month, dozens of experts are already anticipating that the current record from July 2017 will fall.
“It's looking like there's a strong likelihood that we will end up with the warmest month ever,” said Brian Brettschneider, a climate researcher at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. (In this case, "ever" means since modern record-keeping began in 1880.)
In July 2017, when the previous record was set, average global temperatures were 2.16 degrees Fahrenheit higher than the 20th century average for July of 57.8 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which collects climate data and tracks temperature records. This July is expected to narrowly surpass the average temperatures from two years ago, scientists who study climate patterns say.
“Of course, we won’t know until all the tallies are in, but we’re on a good pace right now to beat that record,” said Jack Williams, director of the Center for Climatic Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Dozens more climate scientists have echoed the prediction on Twitter.
“July is the warmest month of the year globally. If this July turns out to be the warmest July (it has a good shot at it), it will be the warmest month we have measured on Earth!” Michael Mann, a climate scientist at Pennsylvania State University, tweeted July 15.
In an email Tuesday to NBC News MACH, Mann called the new record “likely,” saying there’s now a “greater than 50/50” chance that the month will set a new high temperature.
July’s anticipated milestone comes on the heels of another worrisome climate record: last month was the hottest June on record. Average global temperatures last month were 1.71 degrees Fahrenheit higher than the 20th century average for June of 59.9 degrees Fahrenheit, according to NASA and NOAA, which independently track global surface temperatures.

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