Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Public Still Overwhelmingly Supports Background Checks

This chart shows the results of the new NPR / PBS NewsHour / Marist Poll -- done between July 15th and 17th of a national sample of 1,346 adults, with a margin of error of 3.5 points.

It shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans (89%) continues to support requiring a background check on all gun sales -- including at gun shows and on all private sales between individuals.

Democrats know this. That's why the House passed a bill back in February that would close the loopholes in the background check law. Unfortunately, Senate Majority Leader McConnell opposes the law (even though 84% of Republican adults favor it). He still places money from the NRA above the lives of Americans -- and he refuses to allow the House bill to be debated or voted on in the Senate. And other Republicans in the Senate refuse to join Democrats and overrule McConnell.

This is one more reason (among many) to vote against McConnell and all Republican senators in the next election.

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