Friday, July 12, 2019

Trump's Immigration Raids Will Hurt The U.S. Economically

Donald Trump is planing to start his mass immigration raids this coming weekend. His excuse, which he has repeated many times, is that the undocumented immigrants are a burden on American taxpayers -- costing the country far more than they contribute to it.

That is an outrageous lie! The truth is just the opposite. They actually help to alleviate the tax burden on citizens. They do it by paying billions of dollars in taxes to the federal government -- in both income taxes and payroll taxes (which helps pay for Social Security and Medicare).

And it's not just federal taxes they pay. The undocumented immigrants also pay billions in state and local taxes -- and while some states and cities benefit more than others, all states and cities benefit from the taxes paid by undocumented immigrants. The chart below shows how much each state benefits from those taxes.

And while the undocumented immigrants pay billions in federal, state, and local taxes, they don't qualify for the government benefits those taxes help to pay for. In other words, undocumented immigrants contribute far more to this country than they take from it.

Something else to consider -- for every taxpaying immigrant Trump deports, a citizen is going to have to pay more in taxes to make up for the taxes that immigrant no longer pays. Do American citizens want to pay billions more in taxes on all levels of government to replace the taxes the immigrants no longer pay (because they were deported)?

Republicans will tell you that money can be replaced by cutting benefits for Americans. But those benefits have already been cut to the bone by the GOP's austerity cuts to the budget, and further cuts will seriously hurt the citizens trying to keep their heads above water.

The truth is that we need those immigrants. They not only pay taxes, but bring a visor and creative passion to the country. Harassing and deporting them is stupid policy. We should be trying to find a way to give them a path to citizenship.

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