Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Where Is The Current "Center" Of American Politics?

It is just a fact that voters in the United States don't like extremist positions from their politicians -- especially in presidential races. They tend to almost always vote for the party they consider most centrist.

But that brings us to the question for the coming election -- where is the center of American politics. One might think that the center is exactly between the two major parties (Democrats and Republicans), but that would be wrong. The center moves -- sometimes being more to the right and sometimes more to the left. For instance, during the Reagan years the center of U.S. politics was definitely to the right, and during the Obama years it had moved more to the left.

Where is that center today? Some Republicans think it is far to the right, and some Democrats think it is far to the left. Both are wrong, but it does lean somewhat to the left or right. Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich (pictured) believes the center today is leaning toward the left. Here is what he had to say about it:

Donald Trump, Fox News, and Republicans in Congress label proposals they disagree with “fringe,” “radical,” or “socialist.”  Well, let’s see where the American people actually stand:
What about health care? Well, 70 percent want Medicare for All, which most define as Medicare for anyone who wants it.  60 percent of Republicans support allowing anyone under 65 to buy into Medicare
60 percent of Americans support free college tuition for those who meet income requirements.
I could go on. 
So why do the powerful call these policy ideas “fringe,” or “radical,” or “socialist?” 
Money. Many of these initiatives would cost them – requiring either higher taxes on the rich (many could be achieved by repealing the giant Trump tax cut for the wealthy and corporations), or regulations that might cut into their corporate profits. 
So you can bet that as these proposals become even more popular, the powerful are going to intensify their attacks. 
But just remember: the “center” is not halfway between what most Americans want and what big corporations, Wall Street, and the super-wealthy want. 
The “center” is what the vast majority of Americans want.  

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