Saturday, August 31, 2019

GOP Must Be Destroyed (To Re-Emerge As A Viable Party)

I am a die-hard Democrat. I have never voted for a Republican, and I probably never will. But that doesn't mean I want a one-party system in this country.

Single-party systems have not worked in other countries, and would not work in the United States. Without an opposition party to keep it honest, any political party will eventually go too far and destroy the democracy they are trying to uphold.

While I disagree with many of their policies (especially economic policies), I freely admit the GOP has a proud history. Even Democrats respect such Republican presidents as Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Dwight Eisenhower. And in the past, they have served well as the loyal opposition during Democratic administrations.

Sadly though, that is no longer true. Today's Republican Party is an organization without any real beliefs and policies. They gave up their beliefs and policies to become a cult of personality -- supporting a greedy, dishonest, immoral, and cruel man who also has no beliefs (other than what is good for himself). They can no longer be trusted, because they support a man who is untrustworthy.

Can the party right itself, and return to its proud past? Probably not. They have fallen into the grip of racists and other deplorables who refuse to abide by principles. There is only one way to save the Republican Party. It must be destroyed. They must be punished so severely in the next election that they cannot continue as they are, but must rethink and re-emerge as a party with principles and beliefs.

Here's how columnist Jennifer Rubin put it in an interview on MSNBC:

"It’s not only that Trump has to lose, but that all his enablers have to lose. We have to collectively, in essence, burn down the Republican Party. We have to level them because if there are survivors, if there are people who weather this storm, they will do it again."

"They will take this as confirmation that, ‘Hey, it just pays to ride the waves — look at me, I’ve made it through.’ ... It is our job to hold them accountable, for the rest of their lives."

"What we should be doing is shunning these people. Shunning, shaming these people is a statement of moral indignation that these people are not fit for polite society."

“I think it’s absolutely abhorrent that any institution of higher learning, any news organization, or any entertainment organization that has a news outlet would hire these people." 

She is RIGHT!

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