Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Blacks Much More Likely To Be Arrested For Marijuana

The chart below is from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). It shows the number of times more likely that Blacks will be arrested over Whites in each state for marijuana. Obviously, we still have a significant racial problem with marijuana arrests (just like in other areas in the United States.

We need to solve a lot of racial problems in this country, but this one could be very easy. We simply need to legalize the possession, use, and growth of marijuana -- and eliminate ALL marijuana arrests (regardless of race or color). Marijuana is the safest of all drugs, and there is no logical reason for it to be illegal.

There has never been a medical reason to make marijuana illegal. It was done as a way of socially controlling groups -- first minorities, and then in the sixties, counter-culture whites. We must end this.


  1. Not giving data means...we really hate minorities and will jail them asap!!!


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