Monday, April 20, 2020

Trump's Coronavirus Plan: Bouts Of Blaming & Bowing

Trump was hoping to ride his "fight" against the Coronavirus pandemic into a second term in the White House. If he had acted swiftly and effectively against the virus in this country, he might have been able to do that. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

All he has done is to Blame (others for his own lack of leadership) and Bow (for his mostly nonexistent accomplishments).

He has blamed Democrats for warning of the coming pandemic -- calling it a hoax meant to damage his chances of re-election.

When it was obvious that the pandemic had reached American shores, he took a bow for his ban on travel from China. What he ignored though was that he had already allowed nearly 400,000 people to enter the U.S. from China.

As the virus spread, he blamed China for not being honest about the virus that had struck in their country, saying he could not have known about it. That was a lie, since he had been warned as early as last December that the virus would come to the U.S. and present a serious problem.

He took a bow for initiating a massive testing program for the virus. Another lie. Only about 1% of the U.S. population has been tested, and still, only those with symptoms of the virus are being tested -- due to a huge shortage of tests.

He has blamed the World Health Organization for being too slow to act. But they were in China back in December, and reporting on the virus to the world (including the United States).

Now he wants to take a bow for giving governors "permission" to reopen businesses in their states (even though it was always up to them -- not him).

Now he will blame those governors for not reopening their states. But the blame should rest on him, because he has not produced enough tests for them to use to reopen.

The truth is that the Trump administration has been an abject failure in dealing with the pandemic. Trump was too late in doing what little he has done, and still produces more bluster that action.

The voters know that. That's why the Trump campaign is abandoning the effort to portray him as a hero in the fight against the Coronavirus. They can read the polls, which clearly show the voters are unhappy with how he has dealt with the pandemic. So the campaign has decided to shift its efforts to trying to smear Joe Biden. They hope to convince voters now that, while Trump has not been good, Biden would be worse. I doubt that will work either.

This is a campaign that's in trouble.

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