Sunday, April 19, 2020

Trump's Plan

Donald Trump has been too slow to act regarding the pandemic. He did put a ban on travel from China, but only after nearly 400,000 people had entered the U.S. from China. Then he did nothing else until the middle of March, and once again it was too little.

Now he tells us he has a plan to reopen the economy -- even though the cases of Coronavirus and deaths continue to rise. his first impulse was to open the country back up on May 1st -- saying he had the authority to order that to happen. He doesn't have that authority.

Now he has released a very vague "plan". That plan boils down to this:

* He gives each governor the "permission" to reopen their state as they see fit -- even though they didn't need his permission.

* He declares that testing is the responsibility of each governor -- but has not seen to it that they have the necessary tests to do the job (which is his responsibility).

* If the cases and deaths continue to rise, or there is a resurgence after a state is reopened, he will blame the governors (because he never accepts responsibility).

* Once the virus is under control, he will happily claim credit for that (even though he did little to nothing, and actually made things worse by his inaction).

We need real leadership during this crisis, but Trump is incapable of providing that. Remember his "plan" next November!

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