Thursday, August 20, 2020

Public Says Trump Was Just Pandering With His Pardon Of Suffragette Susan B. Anthony

On the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the amendment that gave women the right to vote in the United States, Donald Trump signed a pardon for suffragette Susan B. Anthony (who had been arrested and fined for voting in a presidential election in 1872).

This brings up the question -- was Trump genuine in his pardon of Anthony, or was he just pandering in an attempt to get women's votes. The public was clear in their verdict. They know that Trump is in deep trouble with women voters, and a clear majority say he was just pandering. About 54% say he was pandering, while less than half that number (24%) say he was genuine. And that was the verdict of every demographic group -- except Republicans.

In perhaps the most important group for this question (women), the verdict was even wider -- 57% said he was pandering, while only 23% said he was genuine. It doesn't look like Trump helped himself with this bit of political theater.

The chart above reflects the results of a YouGov Poll -- done on August 19th of 5,141 adults.

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