Monday, October 12, 2020

Donald Trump Is The Most Corrupt President In U.S. History

When he was campaigning for president, Donald Trump promised to "drain the swamp in Washington". His supporters assumed that he meant to end political corruption in our federal government. They were wrong.

Trump has no problem with corruption. In fact, corruption has been his way -- both in business and politics. When he said he would drain the swamp, he wasn't talking about corruption. He was talking about Democratic Party politics and ideals. He simply wanted to replace the democratic ideals with his own brand of corruption.

Trump is the master of corruption, and is easily the most corrupt president in our history -- turning the presidency into a money-making venture for himself.

There's new reporting from The New York Times on Trump's corruption., and it's worth reading. Here is a small sample: 

“As president-elect, he had pledged to step back from the Trump Organization and recuse himself from his private company’s operation. As president, he built a system of direct presidential influence-peddling unrivaled in modern American politics.”

“Federal tax-return data for Mr. Trump and his business empire, which was disclosed by The New York Times last month, showed that even as he leveraged his image as a successful businessman to win the presidency, large swaths of his real estate holdings were under financial stress, racking up losses over the preceding decades.”

“But once Mr. Trump was in the White House, his family business discovered a lucrative new revenue stream: people who wanted something from the president. An investigation by The Times found over 200 companies, special-interest groups and foreign governments that patronized Mr. Trump’s properties while reaping benefits from him and his administration. Nearly a quarter of those patrons have not been previously reported.”

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