Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Stock Market Did Better Under Obama & Clinton Than Trump

Donald Trump loves to brag about how well he's done with the economy (even though the economy was doing well when he became president and just continued that course). He especially likes to brag about the stock market. He would like you to believe that the stock market did better under his presidency than under any other president.

But that is simply not true. Axios.com looked at stock market performance during the first terms of the last 8 presidents. There were three presidents who did better than Trump. George H.W. Bush did slightly better, while Bill Clinton and  Barack Obama did much better. As a percentage, the market rose 1.3 points better under Bush I than under Trump. It rose 17.5 points better under Clinton and 21.5 points better under Obama.

Trump's bragging about the stock market (and the economy) are just more of his lies.

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