Sunday, November 15, 2020

Thousands Of Racists March For Trump In Washington, D.C.

 The photo image above (from Reuters) shows some of the tens of thousands of marchers supporting Donald Trump that came to Washington on Saturday. The event had been billed as the MAGA Million March, and was held to support Trump's claim of a massive voter fraud in the recent election for president.

The event fell far short of their stated goal. There were tens of thousands who showed up, but they paled in comparison to the past marches in Washington against Trump's presidency -- and they were over 900,000 marchers short of a million.

Still, it was disconcerting to see thousands of racists marching in our nation's capital. And yes, I do call them racists! They supported a racist, voted for a racist, and marched in support of a racist. How can anyone doing that claim to not be a racist? They painted themselves with the racist brush by doing that.

They hoped to prove by their turnout that Trump was the victim of voter fraud. They didn't. There has been absolutely no evidence of that fraud. What they did prove is that racism is not dead in the United States. Sadly, it is alive and well, and it's going to be a long hard fight to get rid of it.

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