Tuesday, March 09, 2021

It Seems Some Democrats Are Not Immune To Hypocrisy

 Donald Trump is not a nice person. He is a misogynist who regularly engages in sexual harassment, and even worse. And Democrats (including me) have repeatedly called him to task for it. Sadly, it didn't do any good, because the people in his party don't care what their politicians do. They accuse Democrats of wrongdoing, but hypocritically ignore worse behavior by their own politicians.

The same happened with the nomination of Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Democrats opposed his nomination because of his sexual misconduct as a young man -- and Republicans ignored that conduct to defend him and put him on the court. Democrats said a woman should be believed unless it was shown she was lying, while Republicans demanded proof of any accusation by a woman.

Now the shoe seems to be on the other foot. It's a Democratic politician that has been accused of wrongdoing -- Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York. He has been accused of sexual harassment by several women, accused of creating a toxic work environment by several aides, and accused of hiding the number of nursing home deaths to make himself look better.

The charges are all being investigated by the New York Attorney General. I can understand my fellow Democrats wanting to wait and see the results of that investigation before criticizing Cuomo. That is a reasonable stance.

But I'm hearing something else from too many Democrats. They bring up Trump and Kavanaugh, and say Cuomo shouldn't be criticized because those Republicans got away with doing wrong. That's hypocrisy!

How can they criticize Republicans for misogynistic behavior, and then excuse that behavior from a Democrat because those Republicans weren't punished? How can they refuse to hold a Democrat to task for the same thing they criticized Republicans for? Do they really think a Republican getting away with doing wrong makes it OK for a Democrat to do wrong?

It doesn't! We ask voters to vote for our Democratic candidates because we think they are better than their Republican opponents. But they are not better if we allow them to do wrong things just like the Republicans do. We must hold our Democratic politicians to a high standard, even if Republicans fail to hold their candidates to that standard. We must be different. We must be better.

Why would anyone vote for our candidates if they do not meet a higher standard? To ask them to do that is nothing more than hypocrisy. We know the Republicans are hypocrites, but sadly, it seems that some Democrats are not immune to hypocrisy themselves.

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