Thursday, March 25, 2021

These Are Children - And The U.S. Should Help Them

The Republicans want you to believe that the crisis at the border is an invading horde of criminals trying to bring death and destruction to the United States. That's a lie! There is a crisis at the border, but it's a few thousand desperate children who just want a chance to live a decent life. We should be trying to help them -- not using them as political footballs to score political points. America is the land of immigrants, and helping a few more is not going to wreck the nation. It would just show the world that we really do believe in equality and human rights -- and we are no longer the nation that cages children as a policy.

Keith Olbermann probably says it better than I could. Here, from Crooks and Liars, is his great rant on this border "crisis":

The Republicans don't give a sh*t about these kids, Their solution is to hell with them. 

This is the God damned United States of America and those are children in trouble and their numbers spiked not last week but last year up 690% in the last nine months under Trump. They are asking us for asylum. They are asking us to keep them from getting killed. They are asking us to be what this country has always been: mother of exiles. My great-great-grandfather came here because there was nowhere else for him to go. Joe Biden's great-great grandfather came here because there was nowhere else for him to go. Donald Trump's grandfather came here because there was nowhere else for him to go.

That border destabilized by Trump's xenophobia must be fixed, The well-intentioned but now malfunctioning care for these kids must be fixed.

But most importantly these children must be welcomed here.

This is the goddamned United States of America.

We are great because of people who came here, because there was nowhere else for them to go. "Give me your tired, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these the homeless tempest-tossed to me."

This question is the crisis:

Are we still Americans here or are we a nation of goddamned stinking Trumps?

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