Friday, January 28, 2022

Biden Move To "Center"? - You Can't Lead From There!

Some people, even some Democrats, are saying that President Biden should move to the "Center". But the center is just the status quo. We need more than that.

The following is the opinion of former Labor Secretary Robert Reich on this question:

I just heard Joe Manchin say Biden should move to the “center.” Political consultant Mark Penn wrote in the New York Times that “Biden should follow the lead of Bill Clinton, and move to the center.”

Duh. Who wants to be on the fringe? Political careers are imperiled by labels like “left-winger” (or “right-winger”). The public feels safer with a president who proclaims total commitment to the middle. FDR always sought to position himself as a centrist. So did Nixon (remember the “silent majority?”). Barry Goldwater’s “extremism in defense of liberty” helped cost him the White House.

But this is just positioning. Visionary leaders of America have always understood that the “center” is a fictitious place lying somewhere south of thoughtless adherence to the status quo. 

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