Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Today's Republicans Don't Respect Facts, Logic, Or Truth

Facts, logic, and truth are not necessarily respecters of political beliefs. In the past, some have supported liberal views and others have supported conservative views. Democrats and Republicans argued facts, logic, and truth and that debate usually ended in compromise -- and this country was better for it.

Sadly, that no longer applies in the U.S. Congress, because one of our political parties has abandoned its belief in facts, logic and truth. 

Most Republicans have cast their lot with Donald Trump, in spite of the fact that he told over 30,000 documented lies during his term in office. The now believe all of those lies, including the biggest one -- that Trump won the 2020 election and had it stolen from him. There is absolutely no evidence of that. But evidently they don't need any evidence to believe him.

To this day, a large majority of the GOP base believes President Biden did not legitimately win the 2020 election. Why do they believe it? Because Donald Trump said it was true, and they want to believe it!

This lack of belief in facts, logic, and truth has even infected Republicans in the U.S. Congress. They have taken up Trump's claim about a "crisis" at our southern border, and demanded some very right-wing changes. But when Democrats agreed to the changes, they voted against the resulting bill. Why? Because Donald Trump told them to do it.

Compromise has become impossible in Congress because of the Republicans ignoring facts, logic, and truth. Only their agenda matters, and that agenda in whatever Donald Trump wants. And Trump will not let them compromise for the good of the country. He demands absolute loyalty, and cares only about what is good for him -- not what is good for the country.

I am a Democrat, but there have been many Republicans I respected in the past (like John McCain, William Buckley, Everett Dirksen, Nelson Rockefeller, and Dwight Eisenhower). Why I disagreed with them on some economic issues, I felt they were patriotic Americans who were acting in what they considered to be the best interests of the country -- and they were willing to compromise for the good of the country.

But the lack of facts, logic, and truth inherent in today's Republican base and elected officials is hurting this country. They have no true beliefs and are unwilling to compromise. They just wait for Trump to tell them what to think or do (whether it is good for the country or not).

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