Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Defining Issue In The 2024 Presidential Election Is Trump!

The TV talking heads and newspaper pundits have spent a lot of time and effort trying to determine what issue will be the deciding factor in the 2024 presidential election. Will it be inflation, abortion, immigration, health care, crime, or some other issue?

I think they are missing the most important thing. This is not really an issues election - at least not for the presidential election. If we had two fairly normal politicians running for president, issues would be important (as they have been in the past). But this is not a normal election with normal politicians running.

The defining and most important thing in this election is Donald Trump. One side thinks Trump was a green president and wants to give him another four years. The other side thinks Trump was the worst president in this nation's history and another four years of him scares the hell out of them.

It's a choice - Trump or someone else (Harris). Nothing else even comes close to this. The love for or hatred of Trump easily beats any other issue. And the side turning out the most votes (to win the electoral college) will win.

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