Friday, September 20, 2024

There's More Than Candidates On The Ballot In This Election


Do you think the only thing on your election ballot are candidates - and you must just worry about whether you like them or not? Then you're not looking at the big picture. There is much more on there. The way you vote will determine what kind of country you want.

Do you want to insure our democracy survives? Do you want to insure a good and fair economy? Do you want to protect citizen rights? All of those, and more, is on the ballot. Here are a few things that you will be voting for (or against):

REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS are on the ballot. The Republicans have banned abortion in many states and would like to do it nationwide. They also plan to attack contraception and IVF. Democrats want to assure reproductive rights in all states - giving women control over there own bodies. And Democrats want to protect IVF and contraception.

TAXES are on the ballot. Republicans want to reauthorize the Trump tax cuts (82% of which go to the rich and super-rich). Democrats want to cut taxes for those making less than $400,000 and insure the rich pay their fair share.

MINIMUM WAGE is on the ballot. Republicans want to keep the minimum wage at $7.25 and hour, which is a poverty wage even for full-time workers. Democrats want to raise the minimum wage to a livable wage (about $15.00 and hour), because they believe no one willing to work should have to live in poverty.

VOTING RIGHTS are on the ballot. The Republicans have been busy trying to curb the voting rights of those who they think might vote against them, and they are not done in that effort. Democrats want to insure all citizens can vote - and make it easier for them to do that.

A FAIR ECONOMY is on the ballot. Republicans want to give more to millionaires and billionaires. Democrats want to insure that all citizens can share in this country's rising productivity.

A SAFER COUNTRY is on the ballot. Republicans want to make it easier for anyone to get any kind of gun they want. And they protect the right of criminals to get a gun by opposing background checks on all gun sales. Democrats want to plug the holes in the background check law, and initiate discussions on what kind of guns should be allowed and where they may be carried,

Your vote is not just for a candidate or party. It is to determine just what kind of country we will have!

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