Wednesday, October 23, 2024

How Can So Many Be Blind To Trump's Massive Faults?

The following is just part of an excellent post by former Labor Secretary Robert Reich: 

I have never come across a bully more squalid than Donald Trump. He is the bully of all bullies.


He emits dangerous lies like most people breathe. 

He has demeaned and degraded our system of self-government, attempted a coup against the United States, divided Americans with venomous bigotry, and rewarded his rich backers with tax cuts and regulatory rollbacks.

Trump created a Supreme Court that took away women’s rights over their own bodies and immunized presidents from criminal liability.


In recent weeks, he has become even more untethered from reality, more unhinged, even less coherent. 

He says that if he gets back in power he will wreak vengeance on his political opponents — including many loyal Americans who have stood up to him — calling them the “enemy within” and openly threatening to use the U.S. military against them. 

He says he wants to cleanse America of “scum” and “vermin,” including immigrants, refugees, and Democrats like Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi. 

He is threatening to strip television networks of their ability to broadcast news because of coverage he doesn’t like. 

On Sunday, he said he’d subpoena the records of CBS, claiming that the network’s edit of Harris’s recent appearance on “60 Minutes” was misleading.

He refuses to be bound by the results of the upcoming election. This means that America will likely suffer weeks or months of litigation following Election Day, perhaps even accompanied by violence. 

I felt hopeful in late July, when Joe Biden selflessly bowed out of the election and passed the baton to his vice president, Kamala Harris. 

I’ve felt even more hopeful as Harris has proven herself a tough, exuberant, powerful campaigner and force for positive change. Her debate performance against Trump was the best I’ve ever seen. 

But at this moment, I’m frankly worried.


How can so many Americans be blind to who Trump is and what he intends to do?

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