Friday, October 04, 2024

The Trump Voters In 2024 Really Are Deplorable!

In the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton called Trump supporters "deplorable". At that time, it was probably true of many of them, but not all. 

There were some who were just good Republicans and voted for their party. They believed that once elected Trump would grow into the job (as other presidents have done). Sadly, they were wrong.

But this is 2024. We know what Trump is like. We know his first term was disastrous. And anyone that has been paying attention to what he wants to do in a second term, has to realize that second term would be disastrous for the nation. And anyone still supporting him has to be deplorable.

Trump wants to deport 11 million immigrants, which would be disastrous for the economy. Anyone who supports that is deplorable.

Trump wants to use the Justice Department to get revenge on his political opponents and others he doesn't like. Anyone who supports that is deplorable.

Trump wants to destroy our democracy by becoming an authoritarian ruler. Anyone who supports that is deplorable.

Trump wants to keep states in charge of denying women reproductive rights. Anyone who supports that is deplorable.

Trump wants to give more tax cuts to billionaires. Anyone who supports that is deplorable.

Trump wants to keep the minimum wage as a poverty wage. Anyone who supports that is deplorable.

Trump wants to overturn the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) even though he has no plan tonsure most Americans. Anyone who supports that is deplorable.

Trump wants to levy a heavy tariff on goods coming from other nations, which would increase prices for American consumers and increase inflation. Anyone who supports that is deplorable.

The word "deplorable" may not have fit every person voting for Trump in 2016. But it is a very fitting description for Trump voters in 2024!

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