Monday, October 14, 2024

This Election Will Determine Who We Are And What Our Country Will Be

In the past, our national elections have been mainly about economic and foreign policies. Those are important issues and determined the path the country would take for the following four years. 

But none of those past elections were as important is this election. That's because this election is about much more basic things. It will define what kind of people the majority of Americans are and what kind of country the United States really is.

How do you want to be defined, and what kind of country do you want?

Are you a racist who want only whites to have and exercise power? That's what Donald Trump and his followers want.

Do you oppose religious freedom and want laws reflecting the Bible - not the Constitution? That's what Donald Trump and his followers want?

Do you want the Constitution ignored and the law to be used to punish political opponents? That's what Donald Trump and his followers want.

Do you want immigrants demonized and deported - even many documented immigrants? That's what Donald Trump and his supporters want.

Do you want women to be second-class citizens - unable to control their own bodies or oppose the desires of men? That's what Donald Trump and his supporters want.

Do you want the minimum wage to be a poverty wage - forcing millions of hard-working full time workers to live in poverty? That's what Donald Trump and his followers want.

Do you want the death of our democracy and the institution of authoritarian rule? That's what Donald Trump and his followers want.

Do you think billionaires should pay a lower tax rate than those in the working and middle classes? That's what Donald Trump and his followers want.

Donald Trump and his MAGA followers have a dark vision for this country. They don't respect the Constitution, rules of law, equal rights, or democracy. Voting for them would define Americans as racist, homophobic, misogynistics, and xenophobic. And it would turn our democratic country into a white power fascist state.

We can prevent this, but only if all of the country's decent and democratic-loving people vote. 

You have the power to save this country from Trump's dark vision. Please vote - and make sure you friends and family do also. Every single vote is important in this election - whether in a red state, a blue state, or a swing state. 

Don't be the one that stayed home on Election Day. You would always regret that.

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