Monday, September 11, 2006

Cowboys Start The Season 0-1

The NFL football season didn't start well for the Dallas Cowboys. In their opening game, the Cowboys lost to the Jacksonville Jaguars by a score of 24-17. The game started well enough, with the Cowboys jumping off to a 10-0 lead. But in the second quarter, things started to slide downhill. Jacksonville pretty well owned the momentum from the second quarter on.

The defense played pretty well [even though the offense kept putting them in difficult situations]. I still believe in this defense, and if the Cowboys can turn this thing around, it will be largely due to the defense.

But the offense is another matter. The running game is virtually non-existent. This is probably due to the offensive line. The O-line played well in the first quarter, but then seemed to fall apart. By the second half, they couldn't pass-block either. If they don't show some improvement soon, this could turn into a bad season.

Perhaps the most disappointing part of the game was the play of Drew Bledsoe at quarterback. He threw three interceptions in the game. These weren't the kind of interceptions where someone tips the ball and it goes off-course. These balls looked like they were thrown directly to the defensive player. Obviously, he didn't see them before he threw the ball. The first two interceptions resulted in easy Jacksonville touchdowns, and the third ended Dallas' comeback attempt. I'm not ready to call for his replacement, but he has got to play better than he did yesterday.

The only upside is that Jacksonville is a really good team [12-4 last year], and the game was played in their stadium. Next week, the Washington Redskins come to Dallas to play. The Cowboys really need to win that one.


  1. That was one of the worse game I ever saw. I did not understand why they went with the running game. Their offensive line looked as bad as the Texans.

    I would have taken out Bledsoe the minute he was starting to experience pain. But I do have to say, TO did look great. Not bad for a guy who did not play during the pre-season.

  2. You're right. T.O. did look good. If Bledsoe and the offensive line ever remove their heads from their butts, T.O. and Glenn could really be something special.


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