Monday, September 11, 2006

New Zogby Polls In Governor & Senate Races

A new Wall Street Journal / Zogby poll has been released. This poll was taken from August 29th through September 5th, and shows some movement finally taking place in both the senate and governor races. Let 's start with the senate race. The Zogby poll released a couple of weeks ago showed Hutchison with a lead of 17.3%. The new Zogby poll shows that Hutchison has lost points while Radnofsky has gained points. Now there is a difference of only 8.4%. This is also the first time Hutchison has fallen below 50%. With 8 weeks to go before the election, this is a difference that can be made up! It looks like people may be starting to pay attention to the senate race. Here are the new poll numbers:


The governor's race numbers are also pretty interesting. They show Perry finally falling below the 35% mark. That changes the dynamic of the race. Perry had looked pretty good sitting at 35%, but now we have a real race. It looks like Perry's drop may be real, since it is more than the 2.9% statistical margin of error. There are now three candidates in the 22-30% range, and the undecided vote could send any of the three to the winner's circle. While Perry is the real loser in this poll, it also shows Grandma is trailing the other three badly and is virtually out of the race, polling only 11%.

Bell's numbers moved from 23.1% to 25.3%, while Kinky's went from 22.9% to 22.4%. The movement for both is well within the margin of error. The difference between the two is also within the margin of error, so it is harder to know what, if anything, is happening to these two. What we can be sure of is that both are now within striking distance of Perry. Here is the new Zogby governor poll:


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