Monday, September 11, 2006

Where is Osama ?

It has now been exactly five years since this country was attacked by terrorists. The terrorists killed nearly 3,000 people, destroyed two buildings, crashed three airplanes, and damaged the Pentagon. This led to Georgie's finest hour, as he stood on the rubble of the World Trade Center and promised all Americans that the criminals responsible would be tracked down and brought to justice. We didn't know at the time that this promise wouldn't carry any more weight than a Republican campaign promise.

Georgie did invade Afghanistan, and for a while, it looked like he might actually keep his promise to the American people. The terrorists had been identified as from Al-Queda and their leader was identified as Osama bin Laden. Retribution was almost in our grasp. But then, Georgie did a very stupid thing. He invaded Iraq.

I don't know why Georgie invaded Iraq. It was either for oil, or because Saddam was a personal enemy of the Bush family, but it was not to protect America. Saddam's army had been devastated and was at its weakest point in years. Georgie tried to tell us that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, but at the time he told us, the CIA had already informed Georgie that it was not true. Whatever the reason for invading and occupying Iraq, the only effect it has had, other than the deaths of thousands of Americans and Iraqis, has been to sidetrack the search for Osama.

Now five years have passed. We are still engaged in two seperate wars with very little chance of winning either. But where is Osama? Georgie says he doesn't have a clue, and it's obvious that he's far too busy trying to keep his head above water in Iraq to address the issue. In 2001, Georgie made a solemn promise to the American people to bring the murderers to justice. He has not kept that promise. Instead, he has used the 9/11 tragedy to invade a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. He has also used the 9/11 tragedy to further his own political interests, and those of his political party. What he has not done is catch Osama, and it doesn't look like he ever will. Georgie should be as ashamed of himself, as America is of him.


  1. Yes, Gee Dubya should be ashamed. And impeached. And removed from office. But at the very least, he should be ashamed.

  2. I'm definitely in favor of Georgie's impeachment and removal from office.


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