Recently the Supreme Court took the Bush administration to task for refusing to do anything about emissions of greenhouse gases. Then a group of over 2,000 scientists said through the United Nations that we only have about eight years to get a handle on greenhouse gases before it reaches a point where disastrous climactic changes will occur.
Now anyone with even a modicum of common sense would take this to mean that action needs to be taken quickly. What does our president do? He continues to drag his feet.
He has now ordered the EPA to come up with a plan of action by the end of his presidency to control vehicle emissions. In other words, he has given the EPA permission to do nothing about vehicle emissions until a new president is elected.
Even worse, he totally ignores the millions of tons of pollution and greenhouse gases dumped into our air each year by heavy industry. Bush is perfectly willing to hasten the destruction of our planet to protect his industry buddies.
I hope America is paying attention to the inaction of Republicans on enviornmental issues. They make it perfectly clear that the huge campaign donations they receive from industry is more important than trying to save our planet for future generations.
We are running out of time. We cannot afford to let the Republicans retain power.
Please satisfy my curiosity.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it the government's job to do something about greenhouse gasses?
In your opinion, what should the government do about greenhouse gasses?
What would democrats do that Republicans are not?
Please note I do not intend and am not making any excuses for the Bush administration on this issue. I do agree with you that the issue is urgent and something needs to be done about it and that current leadership really are dragging their feet.
What I am interested in are solutions, even if they are what you alone think is best. I just want to hear your opinion on a possible solution or what the Democrat's solution is.
Since I do not claim to be a Democrat, I won't try to speak for them.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I believe the U.S. should join the Kyoto Agreement.
I also think that emissions should be cut from automobiles, including forcing the auto companies to raise mileage per gallon on cars - up to at least 35 mpg.
I think thatdrastic cuts in release of greenhouse gases should be forced on all industries.
Why should the government do it? Because it won't be done otherwise. Industry has never been socially responsible until it has been forced to do so.
It did not pay a decent wage until it was legally forced to do so.
It did not stop abuse of child labor until it was forced to do so.
Industry has only one bottom line, and that is to make ever more money. The only entity that can make them do otherwise is the government.
Thanks for your opinion