Warren Chisum finally got one of his silly bills through the legislature. It looks like he has succeeded in raising the price for a marriage license from $30 to $60.
Of course, it didn't quite work out as he planned. He wanted to raise the fee even more, and then waive it if a couple got some religious counseling before marriage. The religious aspect has been cut out as a requirement, although I suppose it is still an option.Now the bill just calls for 8 hours of counseling to waive the fee.
Chisum says his purpose was to "save marriage", but I doubt that 8 hours of counseling will achieve such a lofty goal. Prior to marriage, couples are "in love" and cannot forsee trouble down the road. By the time that trouble arrives, the 8 hour counseling will be long-forgotten - lost in a sea of acrimonious feelings.
And just how much will this counseling cost a couple? I'm afraid that all Chisum accomplished was to raise the marriage fee. Only now, instead of paying the fee to a government agency, you have the option of paying it to a counselor.
No matter who you pay, you'll still be paying more.
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