Friday, September 25, 2015

Trump And Clinton Have Significant Leads In Two New Polls

Two new national polls have been released on the presidential race for each party's nomination. First is the Fox News Poll (done between September 20th and 22nd of a national sample of 381 Democrats and 398 Republicans -- with no margin of error given for these individual groups), and the second is the Quinnipiac University Poll that was done between September 17th and 21st of a national sample of 587 Democrats (moe 4 points) and 737 Republicans (moe 3.6 points).

Both show about the same as other recent polls have shown, and are rather remarkable in their general agreement. Both show Trump continues to lead for the Republicans, with Carson in second place. They do seem to show that Trump may have leveled off, and is no longer gaining support. I don't know if that's true, but I believe it could be. If so, then other candidates might gain on him as candidates continue to drop out.

On the Democratic side, Clinton continues to maintain a large lead -- and that large lead becomes a majority when Biden is taken out of the mix. The significant factor here is that Sanders also seems to have leveled off. He quickly shot up to around 25%, but can't seem to increase that percentage.

1 comment:

  1. I like Lessig, but I fear he is going to be an embarrassment at the debates.


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