Monday, July 02, 2007

Criminal Protects His Underling

This comes as no surprise to anyone with a functioning brain. Most of us have been expecting it for months. The nation's top criminal, George Bush, today moved to protect one of his underlings, "Scooter" Libby. Bush has commuted Libby's prison sentence.

Libby had been convicted by a jury, and sentenced to serve 30 months in a federal prison by an honest judge. Today, a federal appeals court ruled that Libby could no longer delay serving his sentence. Just hours later, the head of the White House gang commuted the prison sentence of the lesser gang member.

The Bush gang has shown little regard for the rule of law since they stole the presidency nearly seven years ago. They violated international law by invading a country that posed no threat to our country. They also violated the Constitution by spying on American citizens with warrantless wiretaps and other measures, and also by illegally mixing religion into our federal government (Office of Faith-Based Initiatives my ass!).

They have illegally fired US Attorneys, and used our government for their own political gain, and their friend's financial gain. Hell, the Bush gang has even attached "signing statements" to bills he signed over 700 times stating that his gang does not have to follow the law.

So this move by the gang leader to protect his underling should surprise no one. I don't know if he did it out of a fear that his underling would "flip" and rat on other gang members, or whether there really is a kind of twisted honor among criminals. Either way, it was a foul deed!

Evidently the Bush gang enjoys swimming in the slime and muck of criminal and unethical behavior.


  1. How's the elbow feeling today?

  2. Better, thanks.
    I plan to post about the whole incident tomorrow.

  3. The Guantanamo detainees sure could use a little bit of Dear Leader's "compassion".


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