Sunday, March 02, 2008

Clinton Insults Texas Democrats

As a Texas Democrat, I was shocked and insulted at the statement (accusation?) Hillary Clinton made to a large crowd of my fellow Texas Democrats in Fort Worth yesterday. She told the crowd that Texans have a chance to make-up for giving America George W. Bush. WHAT???

Does Clinton really believe that? Does she think Texas Dems forced George Bush on the rest of America? Now, it is true that Texas Dems had to put up with Bush for years before he went national.

But we also have to put up with tornados, hurricanes, floods, mosquitos, influenza, bad bosses, low pay, high prices, poor schools, bad haircuts and McDonald's hamburgers. Is she going to blame us for these things next?

I seem to remember a national party nominating the fool. I remember a whole bunch of other states voting for the fool. I even remember a Supreme Court declaring the fool was president even though he didn't get the most votes. I also remember this country re-electing the fool.

I wish to proclaim innocence for myself and other Texas Democrats. We tried to warn other Americans and did everything we could to keep him from being elected, but no one would listen. Texas Democrats have nothing to apologize for or make up for.

That was a very insulting accusation, and Clinton owes us an apology.

1 comment:

  1. I'm from Missouri, but I thought the same thing when I read that info. She just misses the mark so badly. I can see her insulting foreign leaders in this way.


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